Eggs - A perfect Gastronomical explanation
Eggs are one such ingredient which has infinite number of possibilities when it comes to cooking, And it is at times strikes the cords even if it is consumed Raw,
Fried eggs a term used for Pan frying eggs until the egg white turns crisp and yolk runny kicks off a "sunny side up" and then just a flip opens up an encyclopaedia of culinary methods of sorts for this wonder.
And then there is the scrambled and the French Classic the omelette, the omelette is considered to be a tricky affair; and the shapes bare a cultural heritage which breaks the barriers of geographical locations yet I failed to understand what really is a perfect cooked omelette since the variations and regional influences have sidelined the classical French approach .
There are few things lovelier than a perfectly poached egg yet it was all up to the skill level of the chef. The way a thick, flavourful yolk, and tender egg white coat a dish in a naturally savory sauce is a beautiful thing.
Creating a well-made poached egg—a fundamental technique that often eludes even the finest cooks—became infinitely easier, and perhaps even foolproof, with the rise of sous vide cooking. No more confusion over whether to stir the water; how to drop the egg into the pot; or how to remove it properly. Now, we need only to accurately measure time and temperature to ensure a perfect product.
We cook a 57 g egg (extra large) at a high temperature (167 °F / 75 °C) for a short amount of time (13 minutes), rather than at equilibrium temp for longer, to create a firm egg white that's very similar to a traditionally poached egg. We find that cooking the eggs at a lower temp for longer leaves us with overly runny whites; not our preferred texture.
But the beauty is this: With sous vide, you can play with different times and temperatures to produce nearly any desired outcome. Whether you like your eggs runny, firm, thick, or hard-boiled, sous vide gets the job done. And with little mess: just cook the egg in its own shell;
I do play around with the time and temperature which fits the desired recipe and the possibilities of creating a classic is endless.
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