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Sodhi or Hodhi ?

Sodhi : As much as Tamil Nadu has its version called Tirunelveli Sodhi - The neighbouring Kerala has Istew but it’s when it traveled down to Sri Lanka the magic exploded. I actually heard this word first from my srilankan aunt who was from tirunelveli and her Sodhi was an amalgamation of celyonise and tamil cuisine, Sodhi always finds a place at south Indian cuisine. Sodhi which is all about Coconut, It is something one can't remove from South India, at times an whole menu could revolve around coconuts, versatile to say the least. It is a debatable fact that Sodhi actually found its way into the Celoynise cuisine either from Tamil Nadu or its neighbouring Kerala, Hodhi/ Sodhi is a delicate preparation of coconut milk stew with very little rooster list of ingredients, normally accompanying the string hoppers commonly known as Idiyappam in Kerala and Tamil Nadu states of India, The street vendors of Tamil Nadu used to carry baskets on their heads, normally early mornings is

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