Teppanyaki Dosa @ Radisson GRT

Teppanyaki is a style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food. The word teppanyaki is derived from teppan , which means iron plate, and yaki which means grilled, broiled or pan-fried.

For ages our dosas are been cooked on an Iorn Griddle, So I find it fair to call so just by itself, But that isn’t goanna be any fun….
Sitting down on the kitchen slab on Sunday mornings the dosas keep poppin out from the stove from the hands of my Mom with loads of Love and affection, The Meen Kuzhambu (fish curry) which has been sitting in the refrigerator for almost 12 hrs is a divine combination, Bulls eye Dosa, and Podi Dosas have been my craving and will be till I hit the dust. Courtesy. Mom.

To end up tweaking the so called dosa with an oriental flair is just not another Avant- grade it’s just an awesome idea, chilly chicken or some Sichuan corn or even some oyster broccoli, stir fried sprouts all tend to bring out the best in the dosa…if that’s not what you wanted, Paper Roast Dosa with coconut and tomato chutney could spell bound you.
An array of apparels or confetti’s are kept for the loved ones to choose …say it the Florentine mixture which tends bring a bling of Italian towards India…How about some Cajun corn?...the flaw just doesn’t stop here. its up to your imagination and manipulation with the available seasonal ingredients
Over all the Teppanyaki Dosa flair is worth a try and if one gets addicted to it …I am not going to be the one who gets the blame…it’s the Avant Grade chef in every one of us.


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